Hope Again

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#MentalHealthAwarenessWeek and the theme this year is all things nature.

Why nature? Research has found a positive link between spending time outdoors and improved mental well-being. Also, more than 6 in 10 adults expressed that being in nature made them feel positive emotions. Due to the pandemic, as a society we were able to ‘slow down’. We were given the opportunity to spend more time outdoors which felt like a real treat - something we previously took for granted.

Grief and loss can majorly impact upon our mental health. It can make us feel anxious, lonely, deep sadness and utterly hopeless. Take time this week to re-connect with nature. Use your senses in the outdoors, look, smell, touch and truly listen to all the sounds around you - it’s amazing what you become aware of when we dedicate time to just being present in the moment. Grief becomes easier to manage when you give it space - associating with your grief feelings can be hard at the time, but it will help you on your grief journey.

Why not spend time in nature remembering your loved one? You could, take a walk and listen to the music they loved, visit a place that mattered to you both, journal your favourite memories whilst outdoors. Whatever you do, make sure it’s right for you.

If you’re struggling with your mental health this week, you’re not alone. Please reach out, there is always someone ready to listen. You can call the free Cruse helpline on: 0808 808 1677 or email: hopeagain@cruse.org.uk.

Similarly, take a look at organisations such as the ‘Mental Health Foundation’ and ‘Mind’ on ways to manage your mental well-being.