Children’s Grief Awareness Week (16th - 22nd November)
Children’s Grief Awareness week was founded by the organisation ‘Grief Encounter’ in 2014 to raise awareness of bereaved children and young people within the UK. They aim to highlight how providing those affected with free, professional support can make the world of difference to their future.
We know that 46,300 children in the UK are bereaved of a parent each year. From these figures, we know that 1 child in every UK classroom under the age of 16 has been bereaved of a parent or sibling. The statistics show how widespread and current the issue of bereavement is and will be, meaning that we must recognise the need, offer suitable support and give our young people a voice about their grief and what matters most to them.
Last years’ theme Sharing Shapes, captured the idea that rather than experiencing grief as stages or certain tasks to complete, we can see our grief as changing shape and moving forward, even if we feel worse at times rather than better. I guess that is grief, its up and down like a rollercoaster and lifelong… but as long as we have the tools and the people around us to help, then we will be ok!
This year, the theme of the Week is ‘The Shape of Your Support’, with bereaved children and young people asked to help create a piece of artwork. The purpose of the artwork is to showcase the support that us young people have around us when grieving, to help us feel less alone!
Check out below the Sharing Shapes Mural and what other young people have to say!
Looking back over the years…
In Northern Ireland, bereaved children and young people from our ‘Somewhere For Us’ project were invited to attend the Mayor’s Parlour at the Belfast City Hall. The evening included cups of tea and treats with the Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor to mark the beginning of #CGAW22. We even managed to get the City Hall lit up purple to raise awareness!

2021 CGAW Video #Saythewords
Children’s Grief Awareness Week 2021 was focused on the benefit of support, hearing directly from the children and young people themselves. This years hashtag was #saythewords which was linked to the previous years campaign slogan. The focus was based upon hearing directing from bereaved children and young people about the impact grief support has had on their grief journey.
We asked bereaved children and young people who are part of our Somewhere For Us, Youth Advisory Group (YAG) the following questions for #CGAW2021 campaign:
What one word or short phrase would you use to describe the support you have received?
What would you say to other bereaved children and young people who are thinking about getting support?
See below what our young people had to say!
2020 CGAW Video #Igotthrough
Their 2020 campaign titled, ‘Say the Words’ encouraged young people to use our voices to speak up and shout loud about our grief.
Their 2019 campaign titled, ‘Lost for Words’ comprises of short stories from young people who have experienced the death of a loved one.
Watch their 2020 emotive, short film which validates grief and proves that loss really does last a life time.
About Grief Encounter:
Grief Encounter work closely with individuals, families, schools and professionals to offer a way through the anxiety, fear and isolation so often caused by grief. Their services include:
One-to-one counselling,
Group workshops,
Music, art and drama therapy,
Residentials and Family Fun Days,
Bespoke support for schools, universities and colleges,
A dedicated Trauma Team for support following a sudden or traumatic bereavement,
Accredited training courses and webinars for professionals,
Award-winning resources including our unique Grief Relief Kit, Grief Encounter Workbook and Journal,
A National, free and confidential helpline called grieftalk offering a web chat service.
Grief Encounter’s grieftalk helpline is open 9am-9pm, Monday to Friday. This free service offers support to those who need a confidential space to chat and be heard. You can get in touch with grief talk in several ways:
By phone – 0808 802 0111
By instant webchat – through the top right-hand corner of their website:
By email -
Hope Again - ‘From Inside Out’ Conference 2019:
As the conference held by Cruse Bereavement Support came to a close, five young people came together to share their experiences of life after loss in a bid to educate adults and help other young people feel less alone in their grief. On our YouTube page, you can listen to Victoria, Bridget, Patrick, Ben and Ashleigh share their loved ones legacies. They also share how they have learned to cope through the support of Cruse, Hope Again and their closest loved ones.
To listen to other pieces of advice from the Hope Again team at the conference, please click HERE.