Choosing to stay soft, not hardened by our grief.

Choosing to stay soft even when the world and all our experiences try to harden us. As a young person, we shouldn't have to. But I guess in a sense we have matured before our time - we have had to feel many emotions that most adults will not have felt yet. We have experienced true heart-break and loss much earlier than expected or planned. This is not what we thought would be part of our younger years.

The easy option would be to harden, to feel overwhelming anger, to hold a tainted view of the world - some days will still be like that. By choosing to stay soft, acknowledge your feelings and giving space to our grief - we choose to let go of as much hurt as we can. We let the love outgrow the pain, the anger and the loss.

We choose to live and to love, just how our special person has taught us too - just how they hoped we would. Don't let this world or your grief harden you - feel every emotion that comes your way and know that the bond you share with your loved one still exists.

For support, advice and a type of signposting service, send an email to us at: and a bereaved young person will reply.

You can and you will find hope again after your loss, but you don't have to do it alone.